My ESC volunteering at Youth for Equality may have come to an end, but my journey through life is just...
Čítaj viacHow i learned, had fun and met amazing people
My ESC experience in Youth for Equality: How i learned, had fun and met amazing people Hello there, I would love...
Čítaj viacThe Opportunity that found me!
People would often start by saying “Hi, my name is…” and continue writing a boring blog about how they got...
Čítaj viac

Thank you for your time and effort as a volunteer. Your help is truly appreciated, and it makes a real difference. Your contribution helps create a positive impact, and we couldn’t do it without you! Thank you for being such an essential part of our team.
Ďakujeme za Tvoj čas a úsilie ako dobrovoľník. Tvoju pomoc si skutočne vážime a spoločne vytvárame pozitívny dopad, čo by sme bez Teba nedokázali! Ďakujeme, že si takou nevyhnutnou súčasťou nášho tímu.