Vanaoue, Estonia 16.9.-25.9.2024 In September I visited the Baltic countries for the first time in my life. I’ve landed in Latviaand from there I’ve travelled to a beautiful oasis in… Čítať viac »YE COMB
Vanaoue, Estonia 16.9.-25.9.2024 In September I visited the Baltic countries for the first time in my life. I’ve landed in Latviaand from there I’ve travelled to a beautiful oasis in… Čítať viac »YE COMB
Varna, Bulgaria 18.9.-24.9.2024 Young Visionaries was a nice youth exchange, focused on activation of youth and citizens in public matters. Project surprised me by provided services, that were unusually good-… Čítať viac »YE Young Visionaries
Mühlhausen, Germany 27.8.-6.9.2024 I’ve always wanted to visit Germany, when suddenly I got accepted to the Danceacademy breakdancing project in Germany. When I arrived I found myself in a stunning… Čítať viac »YE Danceacademy breakdancing
Antalya, Turkey 1.-9.10.2024 The Erasmus+ project in Antalya, Turkey, was an unforgettable journey of growth, cultural exchange, and shared purpose. Hosted in the vibrant city of Antalya, this project focused… Čítať viac »YE Right is a need, let the kids enjoy it!
Międzybrodzie Bialskie, Poľsko 15.-23.11.2024 Pred pár dňami sme sa vrátili z malebnej, poľskej dedinky Międzybrodzie Bialskie. O existencii tejto dedinky sme, popravde, vôbec netušili, ale po nezabudnuteľnom Erasme určite ostane navždy v… Čítať viac »YE Perspective of the Moment