The Opportunity that found me!
People would often start by saying “Hi, my name is…” and continue writing a boring blog about how they got in contact with Youth For Equality and what was their… Čítať viac »The Opportunity that found me!
People would often start by saying “Hi, my name is…” and continue writing a boring blog about how they got in contact with Youth For Equality and what was their… Čítať viac »The Opportunity that found me!
We are looking for 2* participants for our upcoming youth exchange project „Perspective of the MOMENT„ in Międzybrodzie Bialskie, Poland DATES OF THE TRAINING COURSE: 15.11.2024 – 23.11.2024 AGE OF PARTICIPANTS :… Čítať viac »Perspective of the Moment
We are looking for 2 SLOVAK participants for our upcoming Training Course project „Street Art 8„ in Ballyfermot (Dublín), Ireland. DATES OF THE TRAINING COURSE: 27.10.2024 – 1.11.2024 AGE OF… Čítať viac »Street Art 8
We are starting now the selection process for the Training Course “Fostering inclusion in the Youth Work: Empowering Diverse Voices for a Brighter Future“ that will take place in Craiova,… Čítať viac »Fostering inclusion in the Youth Work: Empowering Diverse Voices for a Brighter Future
Na projekt som vycestovali autom spolu s dalšími 3 účastníkmi. Cestovanie autom sme naplno využili zastávkami v Slovinsku a Taliansku. Prešli sme sa uličkami Ľubľany, okúpali v známom slovinskom jazere… Čítať viac »Rurality in Expansion, Bergolo, Italy