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Keep your memory alive

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We are looking for 6 participants for our upcoming youth exchange „Keep your memory alive in Izmir, Turkey.


DATES OF THE PROJECT: 8 – 16 April 2025

AGE OF PARTICIPANTS : 16-25 years (1 group leader 18+)

PROFIE OF PARTICIPANTS: Less experienced participants with Erasmus+ projects, curious about healthy lifestyle, motivation to experience and learn about Dementia and Alzheimer diseases.


With this project, it is aimed to spread the healthy aging by drawing attention to the diseases which may occur especially in old age especially Alzheimer and Dementia. Targets planned to be reached by the project activities:

  1. To raise awareness about dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
  2. To tell people that it is possible to protect against dementia and Alzheimer’s diseases.
  3. To promote healthy aging awareness.
  4. To spread online tools that can be used for a healthy lifestyle.
  5. To strengthen communication and cooperation between different ages and generations.
  6. To understand different health systems and policies in the European Union.
  7. To support accessibility to health services.
  8. To contribute to the goals of 2030 in the field of health.

Find more details here: INFOPACK


!!! Please keep in mind that you are applying for a training course. Erasmus+ is not a travel agency, but an educational activity designed to improve or acquire your knowledge and skills in the field of training content. !!!


Ako funguje výberový proces? V dostatočnom čase po zverejnení výzvy (spravidla po 10 dňoch) hodnotíme prichádzajúce prihlášky a oslovujeme účastníkov pre potvrdenie účasti. Pokiaľ ponuka už nie je viditeľná na stránke Hľadáme účastníkov, projekt je obsadený a nie je možné sa hlásiť, zároveň ak ste nedostali potvrdzovací email, z kapacitných dôvodov vás bohužiaľ nemôžeme vyslať. Vzhľadom na vyšší záujem nie je v našich silách vždy odpovedať na prihlášky účastníkov, ktorí neboli vybraní. Ďakujeme za pochopenie.