Erasmus+ is one of the European Union funding programs supporting internship within the
Youth participation activities Initiative. This program for young people provides unbelievable experiences and possibilities to improve/learn new skills.
I would definitely recommend this opportunity for the young people who are up for some
challenges, like living abroad and willing to dedicate themselves to create own business and
learn about process with local communities. It has to be considered that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity – you have the chance to meet new people, to know more about new cultures, traditions, countries etc.
I’ve been here for almost 2 weeks now where I’ve been doing the mentoring programme. In first week, we had some games about getting know each other which will be so important during to project. At the same time we learned each other and how to manage teamwork. After we played city game and we learned history about city. It was great activity for cultural exchange.
Especially first week we talk about soft skills: leadership, team and time management. We had workshops about that which really benefited to us. As young people we need to learn how is the business life and how we can manage it, how we can have motivation to implement new ideas. Important subject name was inner motivation and we had spent time on it, we talked how is our way. Last day of week, we visited Baterkaren which is ecological enterprenership. We talk about process how we can build our own business, how we can find unique idea.

In the first days, we did activities to meet and get to know the city. In the middle of the week, we worked on topics such as how we can reach our motivation, finding our true identity, and we got good information about motivation. In the following days, we produced our new business ideas and made presentations. We exchanged ideas about what we should do to turn our own business ideas into reality. We worked voluntarily in the charity organization Baterkaren, it was a great feeling to contribute a little to the people who need help. We interviewed local people for our weekend project. We talked to people of different age groups in Trnava and asked them some questions: What is the missing thing in this city or is there anywhere you want to change? Are there any ugly places in Trnava? etc. We got feedback from people and we tried to learn the problems of the city.
At the beginning of the second week, Mr. Erik from the Slovak Business Agency made
presentations with us about the methods of starting a business. It was a very useful presentation for us. Afterwards, we produced our own business ideas according to the business canvas method and we were mentored through potential implementation. The next days we had the opportunity to interact with one of the founders of the start-up project called Eco capsule as a guidance through ecological entrepreneurship. Then we gave a definition and presentation of what Erasmus is to students in a high school, it was nice to interact with the young people. We finished the week by arranging the aid boxes that will go to Ukraine as volunteering experience. It has been a productive week for us.

In the first days, we met participants from Turkey. We played the game „VYRIEŠ ZÁHADU MOCNÉHO OPASKU“ to promote the city of Trnava. While playing this game, we had the opportunity to discover the most beautiful ice cream shop in the city and the bakery owned by a couple in the city. As we started the day in the morning, we made a dynamic start to the day by using energizers methods.
Thanks to the Greenovation in entrepreneurship program, we learned what needs to be done to be an entrepreneur in EU, the grants, the conditions and from which source we can access the right information, we presented two business ideas of our own, and at the end of these presentations, we decided to establish a community center by making a joint decision. Erik Kubicka from Slovak business agency guided us through business canvas model we had to do in order to set up this committee and we prepared this canvas model together. We visited some social entrepreneurs and helped organisations that collect donations for Ukraine.
In the last days of the second week, an entrepreneur from Eco Capsule was giving us information about eco capsule and eco entrepreneurship, and discussed our questions, observations and thoughts on how to make the venture better. The second week ended like this.

Pingback: Greenovation in Entrepreneurship 28.2.-29.3.2022 Trnava, Slovensko | Youth for Equality
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