The goal of the R-project was to educate young people about contemporary anti-Semitism, civil society and equality, human rights through interactive methods of informal education. In 2021, more than 50 young people participated in workshops based on informal and experiential learning. In addition, there was a visit to the Holocaust Memorial and the Jewish Community Association. Activity methods encourage interaction and dialogue between young people with an effort to overcome stereotypes and fight against prejudices. one of the activities was a structured dialogue, the aim of which was to take the opinion of young people into account when formulating European policies that concern them. The aim was to ensure a democratic approach to dialogue, during which all participants are given equal opportunities. An international two-day workshop in Greece to create the content and graphic form of the book „The Tale of Europe“ was held in January 2022. Young people from different countries actively participated in the creation of characters and plot, and thus the cooperation between them stimulated multiculturalism and equality. The presentation of the commemorative book „The Tale of Europe“ took place in Greece in June 2022 in the presence of all partners, youth workers, educators, the public, youth and representatives of the EU institutions.
5 events have been carried out within this project:
Event 1
Participation: The event involved 176 citizens, including 25 participants from the city of Turku (Finland), 80 participants from the city of Poznan (Poland), 15 participants from the city Trnava (Slovakia) 21 participants from the city of Viterbo (Italy) , 20 participants from the city of Komotini (Greece) and 15 participants from the city of Jelgava (Latvia).
Location / Dates: The event took place in :
Turku, Finland from 09/02/2020 to 10/02/2020,
Poznan, Poland from 03/01/2021 to 04/01/2021,
Trnava, Slovakia on 25/03/2021
Viterbo, Italy on 25/08/2021
Komotini, Greece from 20/02/2020 to 21/02/2020
Jelgava, Latvia on 12/09/2021
Short description: The aim of the event was for citizens to become aware of and understand the aspects of anti-Semitism and that it does not differ in its causes from any form of racism against „blacks“ , the disabled, „Roma“, „gays“, against any minority.
The workshops on Anti-Semitism today /Civil society and equality/, human rights, Case studies were based on interactive methods of non-formal education as defined by the EACEA as a basic learning tool.
Event 2
Participation: The event involved 173 citizens, including 25 participants from the city of Turku (Finland), 80 participants from the city of Poznan (Poland), 12 participants from the city Trnava (Slovakia) 21 participants from the city of Viterbo ( Italy), 20 participants from the city of Komotini (Greece) and 15 participants from the city of Jelgava (Latvia).
Location / Dates: The event took place in :
Turku, Finland on 12/06/2021
Poznan, Poland on 08/10/2021
Trnava, Slovakia on 13/08/2021
Viterbo, Italy on 26/08/2021
Komotini, Greece on 10/07/2021
Jelgava, Latvia on 05/08/2021
Short description: The aim of the event was to conduct Memory visits based on the experiential process for the participants. The visits took place at Holocaust memorials and Jewish community associations of each city. The method of visits encourages interaction and dialogue, through simplicity and willingness to communicate. The intention was to open a dialogue with the participants about racism in each country today, to break stereotypes and fight prejudices.
Event 3
Participation: The event involved 171 citizens, including 25 participants from the city of Turku (Finland), 80 participants from the city of Poznan (Poland), 10 participants from the city of Trnava (Slovakia), 21 participants from the city of Viterbo (Italy), 20 participants from the city of Komotini (Greece) and 15 participants from the city of Jelgava (Latvia).
Location / Dates: The event took place in :
Turku, Finland from 25/09/2021 to 26/09/2021,
Poznan, Poland from 22/11/2021 to 23/11/2021,
Trnava, Slovakia on 15/11/2021
Viterbo, Italy on 25/08/2021
Komotini, Greece from 28/10/2021 to 29/10/2021
Jelgava, Latvia on 01/11/2021
Short description: The aim of the event was to promote structured dialogue as a tool to fight racism and discrimination as well as promote related policies. Participants understood its process that aims to hold discussions on various topics between the citizens and those responsible for policy making. As well as the purpose of this process and the importance to consider the opinion of citizens when shaping European policies that concern them.
Event 4
Participation: The event involved 80 citizens, including 20 participants from the city of Turku (Finland), 6 participants from the city of Poznan (Poland), 12 participants from the city Trnava (Slovakia), 27 participants from the city of Komotini (Greece) and 15 participants from the city of Jelgava (Latvia).
Location / Dates: The event took place in :
Komotini, Greece from 21/01/2022 to 22/01/2022
Short description: The aim of the event was to create the fairytale „A fairy tale about Europe“. Participants used all the knowledge from the previous events to compose a fairy tale based on heroes of national fairytales.
Event 5
Participation: The event involved 52 citizens, including 15 participants from the city of Turku (Finland), 2 participants from the city of Poznan (Poland), 6 participants from the city Trnava (Slovakia), 4 participants from the city of Viterbo (Italy), 15 participants from the city of Komotini (Greece) and 10 participants from the city of Jelgava (Latvia).
Location / Dates: The event took place in :
Komotini, Greece on 14/05/2022
Short description: The aim of the event was to present the fairytale and „A fairy Tale about Europe“. The event took place with the support of the Municipality of Komotini and the Director of Secondary Education of the Rhodope region.
More information about the project and Tale of Europe HERE .
The project «The R Project» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Program „Europe for Citizens“