Slovenská delegácia „Greenovation“ v Grécku (jún, 2018):
„V prvom rade mi dal možnosť spoznať skvelých ľudí a ukázal mi aké je to spolunažívať s ľuďmi v komunite. Robili sme sebarozvíjajúce a sebapoznávacie aktivity, samozrejme moje obľúbené prírodné staviteľstvo. Využijem to na rozvoj trvalo udržateľného života.“
„I think that this project influenced me in many ways. Not only it improved my knowledge about community lifestyle but also my practical skills in making sun-dried bricks. I found out that cooperation among people if very important. I realized that even though we are community every individual is extremely important. Every emotion and every feeling, idea, wish is appreciated.
The love that we shared is something I can not describe. Everybody showed best part of themself. I always had the idea of sustainability in me but that’s too many workshops from people who were extremely inspiring this idea even grow „
‚My overall impression from the project is great. I think the theme was really meaningful and I learned things about sustainability that I will definitely use in my future. I am reducing waste already and I am planning to cut on meat and build owen and maybe other buildings from the earth and share what I learned during the eco-building workshops that we had. The most unique and new thing for me was the community life we had and the way we organised ourselves. It is something I would like to try again.“