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City Health Second Week – ESC Team Volunteering

The second week was really busy, but we also had many interesting activities.

It all started with an international walk where we visited a forest where there was a small playground, we breathed fresh air and just talked and after that in the evening we had street dances by hip-hop dancers. It was a lot of fun for all of us and people who were just passing by joined in as well.


The next evening, we had beach volleyball and although we thought it would be difficult because of the hot sun we really enjoyed it because it was a team game where everyone had a lot of fun.In the middle of the week, we again attended a yoga class where we were able to relax and gain energy for the following days of the week.Friday was really hard for all of us because we had 4 events that day. Despite everything this day was filled with pleasant memories for our future.


On the weekend, most of us visited other countries and mountains, these memories will remain with us for the rest of our lives.Like we said, some days are peaceful, some are the opposite of that. Friday was just such a day. We had four events to organize. However, with good advance preparation and organization, we made it through the day well and got good experiences even with tight schedules. The city was full of schoolchildren when there was a local learning event Uciaca sa Trnava. They visited different task points and collected stamps to their passports. Our tasks were tongue twisters in Italian, Swedish, Finnish, and Armenian, and we had a cool map puzzle to kids. 


In the evening, there was a gala which was held for local young people who have been active in their community. We helped with some arrangement and after our work shifts, we got an opportunity to join the event. After a long day it was nice to celebrate the past week and get to know even better with our wonderful group. 


During last week we had not only many activities but also many workshops. In total, we had 4 workshops in different schools on different topics. The first and second workshops were on Tuesday. There were two parallel workshops: on the first aid and on mental health. On Wednesday, we had an eco-day at the BESST school, where we had two thirty-minutes and fifteen-minutes activities. It was very interesting to work with several groups in a row. Also on Friday, three of the team held a workshop on ecology and health. We had the opportunity to conduct in three languages: English, Ukrainian, and Slovak. In general, the week was very active but exciting.


One of the best moments was the long-awaited cultural night. All volunteers and the coordinators gathered, and we had an amazing dinner. All of us brought some typical food from their respective countries. It was a nice night because we stayed all together, we shared some stories from our countries, and we ate good foods and drank good drinks.


At the end we sang Italian song, and we danced on Turkish music.